Thursday, June 11, 2020

Determining the Best Predictors Looking at Best Subset Selection for Covid19

Ryan Yates – B00734878
June 11, 2020
    When it comes to analysis data sets and asking ourselves questions about what  
we can learn from the data and predict there are numerous factors to take into 
account Examples of this can range from factors like the size of the data set being 
used, the smaller a sample size being used compared to a total population will result
 in a greater margin of error, there is also aspects like time frame if predictors on 
certain behavior are being generated using datasets that has collected information 
from every year or month from the past 50 years we could probably omit a certain
 amount of columns and use the resulting subset of the data to build the prediction 
    For this we are using data collected in regards to the ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic
and determining which subsets of the predictors given would be best to include in 
improving models previously created suing methods such as k-fold cross validation. 
In this lab by using forward step selection the program determines which predictor 
variable from the subset would either best increase the likelihood of being correct or 
result in the least decrease from the last iteration.
    In this lab we are going compare the standard error rate from the models 
generated through this method with the ones created in the previous k-fold cross 
validation with models that were created through random selection. One question 
that can ask be asked is how the error rates compare to each other as well as how 
do using the best and forward method compare. 

The Data
Model 1
    One of the covid-19 datasets chosen for this is from European Centre 
for Disease Prevention and Control, which is an agency of the European Union (EU).
The dataset was then amended into a subsection consisting of the highest impacted
countries in North America from the Covid-19 outbreak spanning from March of 2020
 to the present date as of this post. Countries included in this data are: Brazil, 
Canada, Chile, Mexico, Peru and the United States of America. Figure one below is 
a scatter point plot representing the number of new cases reported per day coloured 
by country throughout the aforementioned time-frame. 
Figure 1Scatter plot of New Cases reported per Day by Country
     From the plot we can see just from the number of new cases per date there is
 both areas where the countries have a distinct region separated from the other 
countries being considered on the plot though there are also areas of overlap which 
would suggest needing more than just a comparison of one variable to be able to 
distinctly predict with confidence. This is where a multivariable model comes into
 play,using the “best” and forward methods to determine which variable should be
 selected as the model increases in complexity. To determine which of the methods
 might generate better points a plot of the both methods R-Squared Values was 
created and plotted below in figure 2. 
Figure 2:R Squared Value Comparison of Best vs Forward
    From the plot above we can see that as the model complexity increases the
 R-Squared value for the model trends upwards, eventually plateauing. For this 
plot, at the starting point and end points the model’s R-squared value is the same
 for both the best and forward method. In the intermediate nodes the best model 
tends to generate a higher value R-squared number.  
The Data
Model 2
    For the second model the Dataset was further altered to match the same data used
 in the previous K-fold post, therefore the data is the same countries from the first data
 here with the time span reduced to the month of May 2020. Figure three below
 depicts a scatter plot of each country’s new Covid-19 cases per day with a linear fit 
and error range.
Figure 3: Covid19 Cases per Day in May 2020
    From above graph it can be seen that each country has their own area with varying levels
 of intersecting between each country. An example of this is that Brazil and the United states
 have a well-defined converging area towards the last part of May while Canada, Chile, Mexico
 and Peru’s have closer linear fits. The model this dataset is created from is attempting to 
create an algorithm to correctly predict the country based on a varying level of predictors as
the model increases. Figure four below shows the standard error plot from last weeks model
set created based on pick and choosing variables to increase with each model compared to 
generating a series of increasingly complex models through the best step method.

    The figure on the left depicts standard error from the best step method while the right plot is the
 standard errors from the previous series of models. From the one standard error rule both models 
have the optimal models at iteration four. However, the average standard error for the best method 
is approximately 0.14 a better value than the previous models which was .14.
 What was Learned
    Using different step model generation methods, we were able to compare the R-squared values
 between the best and forward method for a model series of 10 models and determine that 
throughout the series the best method usually generated a better value.
    Secondly when comparing the standard error rate of a series of k models generated from the 
best algorithm compared to a series generated from choosing on our own the average standard error
 for the best method was slightly lower than that of the previous model. Suggesting a higher level of 
precision when predicting.

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